Walltopia Adventure at MIPIM – Changing the Game in Retailtainment

The world’s biggest property market is taking place in Cannes next month and shopping mall owners, developers and operators will be looking for new and alternative ways to stay ahead of online shopping businesses. And this is where we step in. Experiences are what brings visitors back to shopping malls again and again and it is no mystery why retail facilities are dedicating bigger areas to entertainment.
How is this achieved? Join us at booth P-1.G25 at MIPIM and we will tell you all about Active Entertainment. Our open presentation “The Game Changer in Retailtainment: What we’ve Learned from over 100 Active Entertainment Projects” will give you deeper insights into high-quality and profitable adventure zones and their benefits. It will be held on Wednesday, March 15th at 11:30.
Busy schedule? Set up a meeting with our team at MIPIM in advance by reaching out to us at adventure@walltopia.com
Important Information
MIPIM – The World’s Property Market
March 14 – 17, 2017
Booth P-1.G25
Palais des Festivals
Cannes, France